What color should I dye my hair?

What color should I dye my hair?

Answer #1

I say green The brightest green you can find. After that your either going to be a total punk OR you will never dye your hair again lol!

I have never dyed my hair in my life I dont see why. Your looks fine as is in my opinion.

Answer #2

um… I think it looks good how it is. if you want to dye… you might want to go w. something that suits you and not what looks good on the next person.

Answer #3


Answer #4

I like it the way it is now, unless you want to get a few foils in, that would look cool :-)

Answer #5

A color that complements your clothing.

Answer #6

get some fine red high light through it,looks fab on dark hair

Answer #7


Then maybe you’ll learn to pick a color that YOU like that’s best suited for you.

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