What can I do about my best friends boyfriend?

Right, well just a week ago my best friend libbie started talking to this boy on a chatroom thiing and they kept asking real weird stuf like what do her and her ex do so sh told him and thn they started going out onn the chat and I asked her to end it and delete her account but she wouldnt so I decided to go on her account when she walked 2 the shops and spoke 2 him and sed leave her alone she don’t even no u & hesaid ‘shes my girlfriend’ and then they actally met up the next day and don’t get me wrong hes sooo cute but I neww if I told her that she wld tel him and she wl hate me anyway when she went off to get some sweets from the shop I was wiv george the boy and he said im cute and I dnno what to do co I nearly kissed him behind her back the other day HELPPP!

Answer #1

Woah… I dont think thats how it is at all… If you read the question you’d understand what she was asking. Tbh I think you should tell him that if he is going out with your friend then he shouldnt be telling you youre cute. Yes boys DEFO come in between friends but its really not worth it. Yes maybe some are but defo doesnt sounds like he is one of them. You know what is going on and you maybe should tell her but it but you need to talk to him as well. Tell him he cant do this.

Answer #2

I think you just are jealous and should back off…how are you going to tell her not to do this stuff then try to take the guy she likes that she met doing that online? Some pathetic friend you are…

Answer #3

try not to be with him for a while, see if that helps ‘cause if they are together.. its not right to be almost kissing him.. if you cant just wait. see what he does. :)

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