What are the requirements for becoming an advisor?

Just curious.

Answer #1

Go to the very bottom of the page, and it will say “Terms of Service”, you can read them there. You also agreed to them when you registered, so hopefully you really did read them. :)

I wouldn’t send your answers through funmail. Just email thedude or editor and they’ll be able to see your answers on your page.

Good luck.

Answer #2

The key thing is good advice, obviously, which you probley figured by now. The others are things like; amount of advice, grammer, punctuation, etc. Us advisors are profanity haters, or as lex_icon would say “the jolly words”. So, someone that doesn’t swear is good. Respect is lovely, even when you don’t want to be nice about something, its good to try anyways. And if you are thinking about becoming one, its good to read the terms of use so you know whats allowed and whats not. Most of it is pretty obvious, but not all of it. If a time comes and you are thinking about becoming one, be sure to send ‘thedude’ with some pieces of advice that you have given so he can evaluate you.

Answer #3

About Advisors

Who are advisors? Advisors are the official voice of Funadvice, and are users just like you and me. Users get promoted to advertisers when they’ve either ranked highly by other users, or have just provided great answers.

How do I become an advisor? You can become an advisor by first providing highly rated and clear answers. Contact FunAdvice (user thedude or editor) with a few of the answers you’ve provided and we’ll consider upgrading your account to advisor status.

xox Sika

Answer #4

Would I send them through funmail? Where can I get to the terms?

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