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What are good night jobs?
What careers can I go into that are primarily at night so I can spend day hours in the sun.
My mom is a nurse and she has a lot of flexibility to work nights. That takes schooling though and she has to sleep the day away most days.
I’d never recommend that lifestyle to anyone who can avoid it.
A permanent career based on daylight hours free huh?
Well first off I’ve worked graveyard shifts & I’m sorry to say my experience had me waking up mostly missing any sunshine altogether!
Still some careers to think about are Security for companies IT industry especially if you become a programmer because you will have a lot of lee way on where & when you work so far as you’re good. Additionally, Truckers are all night jobs I think
If you’re a Dr. like me you can try and apply for night shifts only
Simple jobs would be at a gas station/walgreens/cvs
Really come to think of it most anything does have night openings be more specific!
Well if you work at night, you’ll have to use those precious sunlight hours to sleep. Did you think of that?
go on http://www.job.com/my.job/sup?gclid=CK6yo4znnpACFQMsFQod53rZ6Q/jsOn=1 you have to register first
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