weirdest dreams!?

what is the weirdest dream you have ever had? mine was last night when I had this weird fish and it could breath out of water and I accidently drowned it and my sister was like blaming it on me and I was like your the worst sister I have ever had and I hate you,pretty harsh.. or the other day when I was dreaming and I went to check the mailbox and I found a plate of bacon and eggs in the mailbox,guess I was hungry in my sleep!im just curious to hear yours!

Answer #1

well mine are all horrible like one time I was in a huge abandoned shack with a white guy and a black guy not to be racist and scream was flying around wiht no arms or legs then he swooped down grabbed the white guy and killed him then me and the black guy ran to a car we got in and everything and my side of the window was like un brakable but the black guys side wasnt so scream swooped through and grabbed the black guy but hit my window over top of me and hit my window but bounced off of it cause its un brakbable and layed there on my lap then dissapered haha im weird though like just last night I had one where a guy in a gas station was torturing me with a twinkle and threw them at me while I was tied up to a pole naked lol then when he threw the twinkies at me theye splatted all over me and he licked them off of me hahaha

Answer #2

well , one was where it was the afternoon . I was sitting down at my school luch table . & then all of a sudden . there was a blackout . & the guy from the movie scream was trying to kill everybody . but it’s so wired . all he wanted was our cookies. which another thing was wired nobody was giving them up ? if someone asked you to give them your cookie’s or you die > what whould you do ? I would give him my cookie’s . lol but anyway’s ; I ran into the main-office hideing under the desk. he came in the room ; slaming the door open . screamed like a giant bird . & yelled at me like cookie-monster to give him my cookies. so I got up & I threw them in his face. he smiled and ran away like a little girl. lol it was so wired :D

Answer #3

I was on the school oval and these macho guys came with clubs and chased after me and a guy I was with. We hid, then he started making chicken noises. Then the Spanish armada comes out of nowhere and blows the macho guys up. I run to the school’s drama hall, which is full of drama blocks and for some reason has a curved roof. Then I become a caterpillar on an orange leaf and one other caterpillar devours its mate. Then I’m back in the drama hall and the roof opens three ways like one of those cool stadiums! I’ve had others involving hammocks and llamas but let’s not go into that…

Answer #4

in my one last night my brother tried to kill me and then 3 of my friends and I had to get through a door to be safe but to get to it we had to eather go through the leech pit or fight the guy with no eyes. 2 of my friends went through the leech pit and died so my other friend and I tried to fight the guy with no eyes. my friend died(dont want to go into details)and I made it to the door.on the other side of the door was my brother and some how I was 5 years old and another 5 year old hid me in a closet and tried to kill my brother. in the end I went to save the 5 year old and I died!!! I woke up but I didnt really wake up cause I turned into a bird and flew into a pole then I really did wake up…it was CRAZY and that was only one of them. the old dream in side of a dream

Answer #5

I was dreaming I was breathing underwater

Answer #6

Last Night I had a “nightmare” That I spilled my shampoo and conditioner and I cried! lol And then I had this dream an old guy raped me in my sleep and when I woke up alex gaskarth was my boyfriend but he was a midget lol

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