Answer #1

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious xD

Answer #2

I think torso is a weird word.

Answer #3

Antidisestablishmentarianism.. Or plump.. Plump sounds funny :D

Answer #4

I think moist is weird & gross.

Answer #5


Answer #6


Answer #7

Pinkaling. ♥

Answer #8

f u c k it’s both positive and negative pretty strange if you ask me

Answer #9

bubble, moist, squishy, gigabyte, chunks, baby… etc.

Answer #10

extraordinary. Because when you say something is extraordinary, it’s not extra ORDINARY, it’s the total opposite… like wtf.

Answer #11

Failure.. And can’t I hear them all the time but never experienced what they mean. Wierd:s

Answer #12

watch much dead like me

Answer #13

ravel and unravel, which mean the same thing.

Answer #14

the word weird is a funny looking word but the best word to say is oolong as in oolong tea. just play with the word when you say it.

Answer #15

Words I always considered weird:

Onomatopoeia: words based on the sound something makes like: wham, splat, knock, boing, cuckoo, fizz, chirp etc.

Oxymoron: self-contradictory terms like “wireless cable” “random pattern” “unbiased opinion” “jumbo shrimp” “mutually exclusive” “organized chaos” “one choice” etc.

Synesthesia: can be a literary device linking unrelated senses like “icy stare” or the literal ability to hear colors or see sounds (due to brain damage or possible effect of LSD).

Solipsism: idea that you alone are real and everyone and everything else is an illusion. Expressed by Descartes “Je pense donc je suis” or “Cogito ergo sum” and translates to “I think therefore I am.”

Defenistration: leaping from a high window to one’s death either voluntary or forced.

Doppelganger: Evil double. One of the techniques used to take out a line of moving soldiers is to silently kill the last one and take his place, then to silently kill the next taking his place… The attacker is called a doppleganger.

Highfalutin: highly esteemed, affectedly ornate and/or pretentious.

Antepenultimate: third from the last. Rarely heard is Preantepenultimate or fourth from the last.

Gambrinous: relating to beer

Sabotage: meaning comes from Ludites who put their wooden shoes called sabots into machinery to disable them.

All I can think of for now but I’m sure others would come to mind since I’m a bibliophile or lover of words.

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