Weird white/clear balls tangled in pubic hair?

Okay so I know this is really gross and personal, but what the heck, right? It’s the Internet! Okay, so it’s been happening for like three months now. I go to the bathroom and these weird, like gunk balls, are tangled in my pubic hair. I know when I have them because i would like feel my hairs getting pulled towards each other… Do I have some infection? I have not told anyone yet, I have not started my period, i only occasionally masturbate, and I shower daily. I think it might be vaginal discharge because sometimes I have weird dried up clear stuff on my underwear.. Help?

Answer #1

Probably discharge. Hopefully you don’t have an infection thought.

Answer #2

Does it smell? Is it a weird consistency, like cottage cheese? It’s clear so no weird colors? Those are usually signs of an infection. From what you described it does not sound like a infection it just sounds like regular discharge.

Answer #3

“… balls tangled in pubic hair …”

Male or Female?

[sorry - couldn’t resist the temptation]

Answer #4

Too much info for me…cant we have a girl thing thing somewhere else , this discharge thing sounds worse than havin to shave every few days, you girls have got it real bad.

Answer #5

Lol why did you read the question?? Hmm? Hmm?

Answer #6

lol :P

Answer #7

:D thanks!!

Answer #8

No it doesn’t smell and its actually fairly dry….

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