wats the qickest way to get weed out of my system?

wats the qickest way to get weed out of my system?

Answer #1

agreed with purplesharpie9875 you wouldn’t be in this dilema if you didn’t take it the first time now would you be?

Answer #2

don’t take weed and it wont be in your system…

Answer #3

wait 90 days.

Answer #4

Drink a lot of white tea. Really does work!!!

Answer #5

Everyone makes mistakes what you need to do is drink ONLY water for a month walk / jog and eat lots of fruits and veggies eat healthy. Dont eat anything that turns into fat and nothing that takes a long time to digest. I smoked for 7 1/2 years and I needed to clean my system out to get a job and I did that for a month and I was clean . Hope I helped.

Answer #6

man these people who answered your question do not know what the he ll they are talking about! take it from me I’ve been on probation and smoking weed since I was 12 and I pass my drug tests . niacin can do it , you can find it at any store with a pharmacy isle it is a dietary suplement take a couple every day (u will get really red and really hot and you have to drink a lot of water but do that about a week and a half before the test ) or find out the day of the test and the time and wake up real early and drink about a gallon to two gallons of water and pee 7-9 times before your test “make sure your pi ss is clear like water “ and then take the test and you will pass . its deluting your system but if your that worried about it then just stop smoking weed . and is it for probation , a job or what ? good luck and if you need any advice just funmail me and ill hel you out as much as I can .

Answer #7

I agree with 1twitch4. My brother took antioxidant type pills that blocked any thc from coming out of his system for like 8 hours. Drink A TON OF COFFEE.. or a ton of water. . .Thats what my friends do, or have done. Personally.. I’ve never done it.. I stayed clean when I was on probation. But if you want to risk it.. :S. Do that!. Not saying that you’re retarded.. or even on probation.

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