Do you wear a promise ring on your right, or left ring finger...does it matter?

Answer #1

I always wore mine on the left on the same finger an engagement and wedding ring would go on.

Answer #2

Thanks! :)

Answer #3

Is it a claddagh? Because if so, claddagh has many meanings depending on which finger and if it’s upside down and such. Took me forever to figure out.

Answer #4

Lol, I have no idea what a claddagh is…?

Answer #5

Lol a claddagh is an irish engagement ring, but people also get it as promise rings, cept the engagement ones would have a rock in the middle. Hm I think that is exactly mine.

Answer #6

Lol a claddagh is an irish engagement ring, but people also get it as promise rings, cept the engagement ones would have a rock in the middle. Hm I think that is exactly mine.

Answer #7

Ohh, lol. No, that isn’t what I have. lol

Answer #8

i wear mine on my ring finger just because i feel like it symbolizes the same thing.

Answer #9

Actually, that’s the Irish wedding ring (that’s my wedding ring), but it symbolizes more than marriage…depending on how it is worn, and on which finger, it could mean you are unattached, in a committed relationship, or married.

Answer #10

Claddagh rings worn on the right hand with the heart pointing out (away from your heart) mean you are available. When the wearer has prospects (engaged) the ring is turned around so the heart points inward toward their heart. Upon marriage it is moved to the left hand with the heart pointing in.

My wife and I chose Claddagh rings for our engagement ring and wedding band. Considering diamonds are exclusively controlled by an international cartel, they are often mined with effectively slave labor, and often fund armed conflict plus the fact that my ex- was a gemologist I didn’t really want to do the diamond thing.

Answer #11

I think it is a beautiful ring….and a beautiful tradition…:)

in my tradition, the engagement ring is the only ring you get before the wedding ring….and the wedding ring can not have any stones in it.

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