We broke up

I broke up with my boyfriend today And then I went on msn And he was like why did you break up with me And I told him And he asked how can we make this work And I said I really dont know. Im just really confused I mean guys are really good at making You feel sorry for them. And its working I broke up with him and I know it Would be bad to get back with him And I still have feelings for him But as many for me to stay with him. What do I do? Confused.

Answer #1

Like they said its all up to you you know and you shouldn’t let anybody else tell you what to do but your self

Answer #2

I understand what your oing through, all I can tell you is to do what you want, not what he wants, that’s a lot of peoples mistakes, if you want to give him a chance, warn him that this is his last, not sure what it was that tore you apart, but maybe you just need sometime alone.

Answer #3

at first why did you break up with him?, if it was you the reason tell him im in phase of confusion and I dont want to mess you up, but if he was the reason tell him clearly that u’ve been treatin me bla bla bla… you know the rest,but what I see that he is willing to make it work he loves you and he wants you in his life try to understand him more, but if dont want to then just shut the door and dont open it at all. take care I hope you work your things out :D

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Love & Relationships

Dating, Marriage, Breakups