When watching the Super Bowl do you prefer watching the commercials or the actual game?

Answer #1


Answer #2

Commercials,they’re funny xD

Answer #3

commercials… duh! They are super funny!

Answer #4

I know right?! xD

Answer #5

commercials but sometimes the game :)

Answer #6

Yeha =)

Answer #7

Yeah they are. Though the Budweiser commercials suck this year.

Answer #8

dang it….”yeah”

Answer #9

Unfortunately, I had to watch my three-year-old cousin, so I didn’t get a chance to see the commercials, much less the game…. :(

Answer #10

Yeah =/

Answer #11

Man my spelling is not the best =/

Answer #12

What one did you think was the funniest? The Budweiser commercials are usually good though… :/ Wasn’t it last year where some dude threw a stick at a Budweiser horse and he played fetch with it… I know it was something along those lines…. lol

Answer #13

its all good

Answer #14

Awsome =)

Answer #15

Depends on who is playin/how good the game actually is…like this yr the first half commercials were the best part but this second half the actual game was more interesting

Answer #16


Answer #17

yeah last year they were the best ones. but now i would have to say that the dorito chip ones were the best.

Answer #18


Answer #19

There was a game also???

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