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Wankk = pimples?
Hi I heard from some one that when you wank pimple grow in your face? Is that right?
Doese wank has to do some thing with pimple on the face??
no bacause if it was true I would have millions of pimples
Its perfectly normal..I do have acne and I see no difference..I even take medication for it so its okay..everybody has done it before except like indians lol.
If your theory is correct, then 100% of the male species would have pizza faces and Clearasil would be a multi-billion dollar company.
Lol, if you do find a bloke (of a legal age) who doesn’t pull and jerk himself, I’ll lick the bottom of his shoes, for providing the incorrect percentage which I pulled out of my hat. ;)
hahahahaaa…dude thats awsome! no it duznt…its actualy healthy. haaahaa. your good to wank away…lmfao.
no masterbating does nothing to your face it does not cause pimples or anything else its perfectly normal, healthy and natural the person who said that is an idiot also dont beleive everything you hear
Masturbating does not cause pimples to grow on your face.
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