Voting age?

Is 18 too old an age for voting on the federal election?

Answer #1

I definitely don’t think kids should be able to vote.

Answer #2

As far as I know, you have to be a minimum of 18…what do you mean “too old”?

Answer #3

I think voteing at 18 is better than 20

Answer #4

well its not about 18 year olds going to war, and then 15 year olds go to war because of the voting age. Dont teens bby 15 develop a mature brain , and dont they understand things about politics. im sure 15 is a good age , because I see many teens giving adice to their parents when it comes to voting?

Answer #5

they made it a rule that you must be old enough to go to war to vote

Answer #6

what I meant by “too old” was that should the voting age be lowered to perhaps 15?

Answer #7

no because they decided 18 because thats the age people can go to war, so if they lowered the voting age to 15 then little 15 year olds would be sent to fight in war, and they just cant do that.

Answer #8

I find it to be a good arguement. you should have some say as to what your country will be like when you are an adult. however, there are some young adults who haven’t “matured” enough to understand what that means. to understand exactly what a president wants for our country is important. and if it were to be lowered to 16 say, I think many students wouldn’t understand how big of a deal their vote is in making a difference is in our country.

Answer #9

You no doubt have fallen prey to Obama’s empty words. If you could have voted for him why would you? Out of curiosity name what he is going to do that is best for the country. I am talking about actual plans not just the words hope and change because that wont fly when trying to defuse a threat.

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