Voodoo dolls

Has anyone actually tried one? Does it work??

Answer #1

Uh, no! I believe that’s what you christains want. Do some more research before opening your mouth of something you know NOTHING of sweety. You’re sny remarks are beginning to bug me.

Answer #2

Possibly. Weird stuff is always go on. Im sure 99% of the time its not, but theres bound to be some weird little person that can do some pretty amazing stuff.

Answer #3

Didn’t we also state not just anyone can do it? Sounds like a would be dabbler nothing more. Like we stated, go to New Orleans, or one of those places The real world is a whole different ball game sweety

Answer #4

ya’ll watch too much tv…years ago I pissed someone who “said” they did voodoo…I made fun of her and she bought some “voodoo” sh(t to school and said she did something on me and nothing happen.

Answer #5

lol I dont think they work, but I wouldnt mind 2 try one!

Answer #6

leannalx3 Come down to new orleans and say that. Meat the voodoo ladies, piss them off, see what happens. I think you all need to know a little more about voodoo and what all it entails before you are quick to say it does not exist.

Answer #7

Voodoo dolls has a lot more to do with just “contorting” a doll. That’s not all that’s involved in real voodoo ceramonies.

Answer #8

No I haven’t but I’m positive that they don’t work

Answer #9

lol, voodoo dosnt work. its a load of bs. realy, if you could make anyone do anything just by contorting a doll, dont you think everyone would carry a sack of dolls with them everywhere.

Answer #10

lol I don’t know I think it could happen

Answer #11

As mandyloo is pointing out, voodoo dolls are not what you saw on Gilligan’s Island. It isn’t a doll that you poke with a needle and cause someone to feel a prick.

Voodoo dolls do not involve anything supernatural. Instead, it involves working the practicioner into a frenzy to the point that they are willing to poison other people. The power of voodoo lies in illegal drugs.

Answer #12

u shouldnt mess with voodoo or any type of witchcraft…im haitian so I know

Answer #13

Agreed with Mandyloo

You don't want to p*ss voodoo practitioners off!

Unlike neo pagans, Wicca(though it’s only a few decades old), & new aged witches, it’s not based off of it’s old ways, it’s still the same as it has been in the old days with little change. There are still those that will still sacrifice cattle, birds, & even other humans in their rituals, though not as many do that as they use to, still a lot more than the witches & such that practice the old ways.

& it's not all about the dolls. Although that may be what they are most famous for, that's hardly what they do, hell, they'll do much worse if they don't like a person. But it's not all bad, usually they'll do rituals for prosperity, healing, & such.
Before anyone dismisses it as pure fantasy, do what Mandyloo says, go ahead & tick one off, or just see what their culture is about. Go to  Haidies or Barbados.
Also agreed with totaly, what "makes" them work is the drugs.

& not just anyone can cast a spell or whatever, you first have to know what to do, how to do it, & understand what you’re doing. You just can’t one day say “I’m going to cast a spell & do this” it wither wont work or more than likely back fire on you.

Answer #14

I have and it kinda did work actually it was like EXTREMELY CREEPY!!! haha yeah dont mess with them

Answer #15

Voodoo is very real, and if done properly most believe belive that it works. Although that does not mean that anyone can just make a voodoo doll and make it work. I’m from Louisiana, 15 mintues from New Orleans. Voodoo is very serious, and not something to mess with.

Answer #16

voodoo is NOT real …point blank.

Answer #17

The whole concept behind this, or any other part of the occult, is control. Is this really what you want?

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