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Will highlights damage my hair?
I’ve never dyed or high lighted my hair but I really want to…my hair has a natural shine and I think that if a do highlights it might damage my hair and make it dull. should I still do it ? =[
well, I recently got highlights on my natural hair & it didnt get really damaged I just had a lot of split ends & I just had to cut it but there is never a problem wid a new change! =). but make sure you go to a good place that would give you good advice & not just do it & mess up your hair! well good luck!!
Nope, it wont damage your hair. I took several hairstyling classes, and learnt a lot. What I suggest, and the hairstylist will tell you the same thing… make sure you use shampoo and conditioner that is for coloured hair while your highlights are in. If you don’t, the highlights wont look natural. And when you use the conditioner, leave it in your hair for a good 5-10 minutes so it gives your hair the chance to suck up the nutrients and everything for your hair. It will be fine, don’t worry.
How do I remove red highlights from my hair? - 1 Answers
how do you take red highlights out of your hair
Highlights, what's the best color for my hair? - 1 Answers
I have dark brown hair and green eyes,what is the best highlight color or my hair
How do I fix spotty hair that I highlighted? - 1 Answers
I am a natural dirty blonde and I highlight my hair a little more blonde. This time it turned out really spotty like a cheeta...
What will happen if I use gentian violet on highlighted hair? - 1 Answers
My hair is medium brown with golden blond highlights. How will the brown parts of hair be affected by gentian violet if I use...
How do I dye brown dyed hair blond with minimum damage? - 1 Answers
I dyed my hair a month ago from blonde (highlighted) to brown. Now as you might have guessed I would like to go back to blon...
How do I get my dark brown hair and highlights back? - 2 Answers
My stylist gave me auburn highlights and then I did not like the red so she toned it so much that now I have black hair. Orig...
What color highlights should I get in my hair? - 2 Answers
my hair is dark brown almost black what color of highlights would look best?
How do I get blonde hair again? - 1 Answers
i have blonde hair with brown highlights in it but i want blonde how do i do that???
What other highlights should I get in my hair? - 3 Answers
I have brown hair with blonde highlights, I was wondering what else I should get in my hair.
Should I dye my hair lighter and deal with damaged hair? - 1 Answers
Im a natural brunette and is looking for a change. I dont want to be blonde, just a light brown. But I dont want the consiqu...
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