Which would you be: A veterinarian, Lawyer, or Nurse?

Please help me, give pros and cons about each and which you would chose…. Please and thank you :)

Answer #1

A lawyer mostly because I like giving my point and agrueing…. no matter what type of lawyer it is the only con I think there is too that is u really need to pick which side your on and if u prove a guilty man not guilty that wud be on my mind forever

Answer #2

Thank you…

Answer #3

Your welcome.

Answer #4

Well, I would love to be a lawyer…but it’s just too much work for me. I am impatient, and I am not good at working a long time, to get to where I want to be. I wouldn’t make it.

So, a nurse would be a better choice for me personally…even though I would enjoy being a lawyer much more.

It really just depends on the person, as to which career would be best.

Answer #5

All three have the potential to be very rewarding. Most people think of veterinarians as treating household pets, but the career field actually deals with the safety of livestock and food sources, preservation of wildlife, and medical research as well. I have several friends who are lawyers working in corporate law, tax law, criminal law, environmental law and other fields. Initially you will be doing research for cases rather than trying them, and you may find yourself working for clients you don’t necessarily like. It can be just as frustrating as it can be rewarding, since the legal world involves a lot of deal making and compromise. Nursing requires the least amount of preliminary education, and certainly is demanding; nurses work long hours and often have to deal with the ugliest aspects of patient care. Still, in most developed countries the pay and benefits are good, and if you have an inherent desire to help people, you will definitely be doing so. I do have one nurse friend who says it can get emotionally draining. The three careers are drastically different, and your decision should depend just as much on your aptitude and interests as on the careers themselves.

Answer #6

A Lawyer, I could’t be a veterinarian because of the fact putting down any animal would kill me inside and it’d be a daily thing. Nurses really dont make much money especially for what there doing so thats a no go. And with being a lawyer if your a good one you can make great money but i’d be worried if I got someone important put away and had to deal with there family and friends as backlash.

Answer #7

veternarian….they make good money and if u love animals you will love your job :)

Answer #8

I have always wanted to be a vet! But you really shouldnt be asking other people… it is what you want to do.. not what other people think!

Answer #9

I’ve wanted to be a veternarian since 7 years old! Pros was for me that I was saving animals lives like ones that get rescue from neglect and abuse homes. To be able to save a little creature’s life and then feel good about it because you helped a life live :) I’m pretty passionate about animal medicine :) Cons though, failing at an unsuccessful sugery and the animal dying under your hand and needles! But to be able to work with fluffy and fuzzy critters is a cute job I think that’s bound filled with a new adventure everyday! Hoped I helped :)

Answer #10

Veterinarian because I LOVE animals. But, that’s just me =)

Answer #11


Answer #12

I would BE a veterinarian

Answer #13

Out of the three I would be a nurse as I want to work in some area of human biomedical science. Im really interested in how the human body works, particularly the developmental and neurological aspects. As a nurse you are pretty much guaranteed to find employment all around the world so you can travel a lot if you like -some countries will actually play you pretty well also. There is a lot of variety in this area as well, so if you get bored with the kind of nursing you are currently doing you could look into trying something different.

Answer #14

Out of those choices i would be a veterinarian because i love animals! I dont like arguing.( i always lose! ) and i am more into helping animals than helping people!

Answer #15

Lawyer cause I think they get paid more.

Answer #16

I would be a vet, because that includes the two things I love: Animals, and science! You should be whatever interests you, or else you will hate your job.

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