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Vera Bradley & other stuff(:
Ok so, where I live, and at my school Vera Bradley backpack type purses are reallly big. And so are COACH and D&G. And UGGS are real big too. a lot of girls war them with sewat pants (not me). Another big thing is zebra print and straight legs with flip flops (hate that trend). And alsooo, short hair styles are really big right now too as well as varsity jackets, even for girls.
So are things the same where you are? And where are u? lol. Just wondering how styles change bc we just got this new kid from california and she looked like a mess when she came here but I guess thats their style .. I don’t know.
Cool(: Well im in South Beach, Miami.
We went to Kentucky for soccer not too long ago and things were the same there too. Not so much in Colorado where I went last weekend lol.
thtas how it is at my high school. I live in chicago and all the white preppy girls dress like that here. I like coach because I got da money for it but I hate uggs. they’re so worn out and unoriginal.
yeppp, in west virginiaa too!
yeah for the most part. I love the zebra print stuff and the uggs are in at my school, too, but they’re starting to go out a little.
by me is all about the big long hair the uggs and the leggings the chanel earrings coach bags chanel and louis. not soo much vera bradley. the skinny jeans with the uggs. mann wish I had some uggs there so expensive! ohh and big bags. northface jackets. a lot of jewlery. Boots with the leggings everyone wheres. and theres always hollister abercrombie and american eagle wetseal and stuff. hope that gave an idea =)
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