How did Utah get it's name?

How did Utah get it’s name?

Answer #1

Utah gets its name from the Navajo Indian word meaning, “yet another unreadable boring holy book”. As indicated by a source via Google search: Referencing Keyword “How Did Utah Get It’s Name” This will be on PAGE 3, The Top Hyper link.

Answer #2

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Answer #3

If I’m not mistaken, it’s after the Indian peoples named the Utes?

Answer #4

Hmm… I will guess this one. In my world the name of Utah would have been inspired by Tweety from Warner Brothers. Tweety was passing through the land to get to Las Vegas when Tweety said , “I tawt I taw a gowden tabwet! Utaw dat didn’t you Gwanny?” And Utah was founded and the Mormon Religion’s Joseph Smith was robbed of the golden tablets by a small yellow bird and an old lady.

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