woh thinks usa is the best country in the world

woh thinks this is the best country in the world

Answer #1

yes the people is good evere thing am is happy in usa I have green cart in usa this my cantry is good in evere thing is clen people and land evere thing is good I see oll people in the doctor polis evere people is good and am love usa more odama presedent good bye my firend

Answer #2

I am from Australia and I think the USA is the best country in the world. Hands down.

Answer #3

My answer would be that I like the US best. Even though it has its problem the US does a lot of things right. Someone else’s criteria may be different making it impossible to say to objectively say that it is the best or even a good nation.

Answer #4

Personally, I don’t think that’s a very good quesion.

For one thing, as jimahl points out, it’s vague - what do you mean by ‘best’?

More importantly, why should any one country be ‘best’? Of course it’s natural to love your own country, but what this world needs is more people who can appreciate the many wonderful differences among countries, instead of there being some kind of ‘competition’.

People are different, and so are countries. And thank heavens for that!

Answer #5

pretty vague question. It depends on what your criteria is for “best”. We are better at some things and much worse at others. I think we were a much better country before Bush was president. He knocked us down quite a few notches. Lets hope Obama can bring us back to where we were.

Answer #6

canada is gay

Answer #7

im with ichibanarky on this one, Canada ftw!

Answer #8

I’m reasonably happy with the US, but I think I could be as happy in several other places.

Answer #9

nah not really I reather be where I was first born GERMANY BBY xD

Answer #10

I’m rather partial to Canada, personally.

Answer #11

lol, it is!;)

Answer #12

it would be if the drinking age was younger

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