How many planets are there in the universe?

How many planets are there in the universe

Answer #1

I dunno, but I sure got your point. ;-) But, doesn’t that make a net of nine, still, orbiting Sol? (minus pluto, plus planet X)

Answer #2

what just happened? lol

Answer #3

don’t know … … … … this is the best answer ever, isn’t it?? lol

Answer #4

“ camppapa” it’s 10 planets now, there’s a new planet after pluto, but it has no name (yet)

Answer #5

no one knows. you would need to be able to speculate the size of it first!

in addition to this, by the time we ‘found’ a planet it may already be a star seeing as it takes so long for that light to travel to us…

Answer #6

There are probably billions. All we can say for sure is how many have been found. There are 8 (or 9 if you still count Pluto) in our system. I thing the number of planets detected around other stars is at about 300 right now. The planets in other star systems are detected mostly by measuring their gravitational effects on their parent stars. I’ll check on the 300 number and get back to you.

Answer #7

1 bahahhhahahah earth wooo

Answer #8

About as many grains of sand there is on any given beach…maybe ALL beaches.

Answer #9

ask santa claus for the answer for christmas he will move really fast through the universe and count them all

Answer #10

Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!

Welcome to Fun Advice!

No one knows. However I believe there are Billions of galaxies with Billions of stars in each galaxy, so if there was just an average of 1 planet per star, that would be billions times billions of planets in the Universe. If only one our of a million is the right size, the right age, has the right ingredients and is in the right location in relation to its star, then there probably millions times millions of planets capable of having life.

Even though many may have intelligent life, it would take millions and millions of years for communications to reach us from them or them from us, so it is not unreasonable for us and them to not be aware of each other yet.

Answer #11

How many known planets are in the universe?

Astronomers estimate there are sextillion stars in the universe. (1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) – (sextillion)

With a conservative estimate of three planets per star (some could have many more, some would have none at all) this puts the estimated number of planets into millions of billions. The actual number of planets in the universe is difficult to ascertain. However we do know that the number is very very large. Think about it this way, as many grains of sand there are on earth cubed still wouldn’t equal the correct number.

Cubed means to raise to the third power. 10 million (10,000,000) cubed is 1 sextillion (1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000)

Answer #12

As us August 2008, the number is 306 “exoplanets”, plus our local planets.

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