What is the meaning behind the number 777 that the Underoath use?

Can someone please tell me the significance!

Answer #1

One interpretation is simply that 666 represents humankind in general because of the special significance that the number has in the Bible. Six is known as an “imperfect number” because it is one short of seven, the “perfect number” (seven days in the week, seven tongues of flame, seven spiritual gifts…). So three (the number of the Trinity) sixes is seen as extremely imperfect. Therefore, 666 represents imperfect man, while 777 represents God.

Answer #2

yeah, I’d say mrscobainx3 is right, cause underOATH are christian’s aren’t they?


Answer #3

I don’t know exactly if this is the reason they use this, but people often attribute the number 777 to the Christian god. As The Devil’s number is 666, God’s number is 777. There is a reason for this. It’s pretty interesting if you want to look into it. Just look up “numerology” on Google, and you’ll find a lot of cool information. In the bible, and even back to the Greek mythology days, the numbers three and four were thought to be special somehow. In Christianity, the number three is meaningful because of the Holy Trinity (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit). Because of this, three is thought to represent the spiritual world. 2000 years ago, there was obviously no periodic table of elements in existence. People thought that everything was made from fire, water, earth, and air. These were the only four elements, thus the number four came to represent the physical world. The Christian God is said to be almighty, omnipotent, omnipresent, and other such things. Because of this, seven is also a special number. Since three and four added together equals seven, people took that to mean “God”, but since He is supposedly almighty and all of these things, the number was repeated three times—777. The Devil’s number is 666 because seven minus one is six. Since the Devil is powerful, but not as powerful as God (and for other reasons), he becomes one less than seven—six—and then the number is repeated two more times, just like 777. This gives you 666. There’s a little more to it, but I forget the rest. Anyway, I’m assuming this is why Underoath uses the number 777. They are a Christian band.

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