Disagree with my Mom about religion

Ok. So I get along with my mom really well. Except for two things. Religion and gay rights. She makes me go to church every Sunday even though I don’t believe in God and all that stuff. She keeps trying to shove it all down my throat. And I’m also bisexual. I haven’t told her yet because I’m afraid of what will happen. Because whenever we watch TV shows like Degrassi where two girls or two guys kiss, she says “I hope you or your sister never turn gay. That just isn’t right.” And that hurts my feelings. And she’s always telling me “If I die I just want you to promise me that you’ll always go to church.” And I haven’t told her that I don’t believe in God either because then she would force me to believe by making me go on Wednesdays and whatever else there is that she could do. And is just makes me so angry whenever she says that it would make her so sad if I didn’t go to church to be saved. And when she says that it’s wrong to be gay. So what should I do?

Answer #1

This is a situation that I never dealt with myself before but, you need to be extremely careful on what you tell your mother as far as being gay and all that. As far as the religious situation, If she’s forcing you to go to church which it sounds like, well, it isn’t right that she’s making you go, but, tell her that you have other plans or something. I won’t force you myself to go to church since I’m not your mother but, you need to just tell her how you feel. If she doesn’t like the fact that your bisexual, and don’t believe in god, Oh well, that’s too bad. I know that your mother only wants the best for you and she wants you to have a good life, but, you need to respect her rules if you can. I know that it’s hard to do that. You have to make choices for yourself not your mother. It sounds like that she’s making choices for you as far as the religious beliefs. Everyone has their own beliefs and you can’t change that. I, personally love attending church since I don’t have any issues regarding family. So, do us all a favor, and tell her your feelings. She should accept you for who you are, if not, it’s her loss.

Answer #2

Ok the whole religion thing, well I kinda went through the same thing, there were fights and it took a while before my parents accepted that I didnt believe. Ok they didnt actually accept it, they just think I’m going through a phase (for the last 8 years…). As I got older though I realized that going didnt mean anything… It doesnt change me, it doesnt change what I believe and it makes them happy… so I go sometimes just to make them happy…

The sexuality thing is a little different though. I would tread very carefully… while you are under her roof and she is supporting you I would think twice about it. Kids have been kicked out of the house for being gay. If you must, tell her you dont want to hear it when she starts about gay people, but I would be very careful about telling her about yourself.

It’s true that parents should love you regardless, and in an ideal world it would be true. Unfortunately this isnt an ideal world…

Answer #3

That’s a tough situation right there, my uncle dealt with the same thing. I would tell her first about everything, she’s your mom. If she doesn’t accept you for who you are then that’s wrong (no offense). Family members should love and care for each other no matter their sexual preferences, religious beliefs, political beliefs, etc… Tell her all of that and see how she reacts.

Btw if she forces you to go to church after you told her all of that “I” would refuse to go (in my opinion) but that’s just me

I hope this helps!

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