What types of belly button piercings are the cutest?

Answer #1

in my opinon the cutest bellyrings are usaully dangly ones,the studs that are sparkly or what do is i mix and match colours , so like I would have a purple ball at the bottom and green at the top :)

here are some cute ones! http://funadvice.com/r/166i2tl6hvb http://funadvice.com/r/bu1kt8k21mc

Answer #2


Answer #3

Dangling ones! I LOVE the brass knuckles ones c: and cherries, peace signs, & hearts.

Answer #4

You mean belly button jewellery? Dangly ones or when they have little devil horns and stuff are ridiculously cute in my opinion.

Answer #5

None :(

Answer #6

Danglies all the way. (: I had a red cherry one, a blue one with dangly hearts & handcuffs, and a weed leaf one(my favourite). Just get the metal ones, the plastic breaks really easily..

Answer #7

Danglies all the way. (: I had a red cherry one, a blue one with dangly hearts & handcuffs, and a weed leaf one(my favourite). Just get the metal ones, the plastic breaks really easily..

Answer #8

I have a monster one that’s dangly I personally like bedazzled ones!(;

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