who saw TWilight saga: Eclipse at MIdnight?

i did WOOt WOOt?

Answer #1

Not me, sitting in a movie theater full oof screaming teenage girls just doesnt sounds fun, ill either wait till it comes out on dvd or ill go to a matinee early in the morning on a weekday.

Answer #2

Wouldn’t want to be drooled on.

Answer #3

it was annoying wen the girls where screaming when jacob came out.. but i didnt besides im team edward cuz i like vampires not werewolfs

Answer #4

Warewolves are so much more badass. Haha:) I know nothing about Twilight. I’ve never read any of the books or seen the movies.

Answer #5

I was there, haa. Our theater didnt scream much only twice: both for Taylor Lautner.

Answer #6

i never read the books but i saw the 1st movie on HBO :) haha and i love vampires cuz i have kinda sharp teeth(2) and i have contacts that make my eyes lite brown. pure awsomenesssss :D

Answer #7

jacob is SMOKING HOTTTTT ..lmao :) but i knida like edward in a wierd way!!!

Answer #8

yeah, id second that. edward is better in the books:) you just dont get all his feeling in the movies.

Answer #9

I did, first time ever I have done that and probably only. My aunt surprised me with the tickets. It was awesome :)

Answer #10

I DIIIIDDD,,, so worth it

Answer #11

i saw the movie 2wice!!!!! cuz i didnt wanna see predators! .yuk

Answer #12

yeah i agree YUK :L

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