twilight overrated?

I think so.

Answer #1

I was like the guy above me at first, but my friends and cousin kept telling me its so good, so I bought the first book. its been like over 3 months and I havent read it yet, havent even seen the movie. lol, now my cousin isnt into it anymore, just because other people are over obsessed with it.

Answer #2

I hate the book and the movie and stuff because of all the hype, I dont want to read it, because im a person that likes not to follow a crowd, so if it wasnt so hyped up I might watch the movie or read the booki, but yes over rated!

Answer #3

I mean its a good book but the world is CRAZY with it!

Answer #4

FCK YES IT IS! I’m SO sick of seeing that sht EVERYWHERE!

Answer #5

your right. everyones so obsessed with it ! like its so annoying. people need to chill.

Answer #6

I think so too.

Answer #7

Heckk Yeaa (:

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