Is it true that Firefight is the fastest way to level up on Halo Reach?

Answer #1

I level up with Score Attack. Firefight could work too. But i get near 1000-2000 credits per game on score atttack, depending on what the challenges are. To me, Score Attack is the fastest way to level up

Answer #2

How long does a typical match take?

Answer #3

a typical match takes 12 minutes. for other various types of games like “multi flag ctf, stockpile, headhunter, one flag” the time it takes is different. Slayer games are 12 minutes. if the game is finished in the time under 12 minutes, lets say 11 minutes, then thats good. From the other types of games in Halo Reach listed above, it might take 12-20 minutes per game. I hope i helped you. If you need anymore questions answered, just ask me :)

Answer #4

Yeah you can get a lot of experience from doing them, I would say it’s one the fastest way.

Answer #5

o0o you retard(Laura Marin)!!!!

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