How do I train my puppy from peein in the house

How do I train my puppy from peein in the house..

Answer #1

Well, the first thing you have to remember is HANDS OFF, not hitting no yelling…if you want to hit something…Roll up a newpaper and hit yourself in the head and repeat the words “I forgot to watch the puppy”!!

The key word here is “training”…you are going to TRAIN your pup to go outside… here is how that is done…

The number one ingredient to have a house trained dog is…VIGILANCE. You must make housetraining your ‘mission in life’ for anywhere from 10 days to two weeks. Keep slip-on’s by the back door, and a bathrobe or something quick to get into handy…because for this two weeks…housetraining will be your mission.

Your goal is…to beat the puppy to the punch…You’ll learn his signals just by doing all that vigilance…like they’ll start sniffing, and circling…you pick him up and take him out BEFORE he goes…Rules of thumb are also…For puppies, take him out immediately when he wakes up (do not let him follow you to the door…pick him up and carry out the door)…take out immediately after eating. During play a little puppy should be taken out every 20 minutes or so (aren’t you glad they sleep so much?? )

Crate the pup WHENEVER you cannot watch it (when you leave, or are ultra busy)…instinct is for them to not dirty their nest…so make sure the crate is only big enough to stand up, turn around, etc…A new puppy will need to get out once during the night…but that only lasts a week or so…You don’t want the puppy having to go so bad he dirties his nest…you do NOT want to break that instictive barrier…once that’s happened it’s hard to undo.

When you get the pup outside…say ‘pee pee’ or whatever…then love them up BIG when they go…this will teach them to go on command, and save you from having hang out and wait in the future. DO NOT bring the puppy in until it has gone potty…


Answer #2

dont rub his noes in it. I just keep any eye on him, after meals and naps strai outside until he goes then praise him and bring him in starit away. I just say NO when my puppy goes inside the house then pick her up and put her outside. put news paper by the back door sop she knows to go around that area then maybe move the news paper outside on the door step so he know to go on the paper outside then after time take the news paper away. dont shout at your puppy when he wee’s in the house this will only scare him and make him wee when scared… you don’t shout at a baby when it wees itself!

good luck

Answer #3

puppy pads work great um and also when you take your dog to the spot where it has peed and it shouldnt have look at its reaction and if its a scared look that means it gets the point

Answer #4

Here are a few ideas.

  1. Get pee pads for him to go on. (found at Walmart.)
  2. Rub its nose in it’s pee and near its poo so it learns.
  3. Put him directly outside after going on the floor.
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