Tongue piercings are they slutty?

Tongue piercings are they slutty?

Answer #1

I dont think they are slutty . If you want one then get one .(: Your boyfriend isnt like your dad , & pinkwhatever , thats stereo typing. Just like all softball players are lesbians , well thats not true . You should geet it (: but not the metal ones it ruins your teeth .

Answer #2

um no

Answer #3

Majority of people will tell you that a tongue piercing makes for better head, it’s cause its added pressure, and a different sensation, I’m not saying it always is better especially if the person is just bad… But I do know girls who go get it just for that sole purpose, or cause they’re boyfriend told them to for that reason, it’s ridiculous to me…

And yeah there are a lot of ignorant people out there, but thats them. They can think whatever they want. I’ve been called a slut and a tease for having one, but whatever. I like it, so they can go suck a juice box and shut up, cause I don’t really care what they have to say about it since it’s my body I have to live with it NOT them.

You just have the push all the negatives away, personally I look at it like if someone like a friend is going to talk about me in a bad way for having it then they weren’t really my friend to begin with and if a complete stranger says it then I just don’t care, since it’s not like I ever plan on having to know them, and most likely wont ever see them again… Those people really just need to open up, stop being so closed minded and stop thinking and fitting people into stereotypes for something as minor as that, or at ALL!

Answer #4

tounge peircings arnt slutty. it depends what type of person you are, if you act really slutty with a tounge peircing chances ar people will think there slutty. and if your boyfriend thinks there slutty talk to him and tell him that there not. hope this helps

Answer #5

A tongue piercing dose not make the person, it is only accessories for the body that can be put on and taken off when wanted but dose not make the person on the inside. We as people JUDGE others on a glance but next time you think a person is a slut because of a tounge piercing get to know them and youll find out if they are or not.

Answer #6

I agree whit the above is what you think! They do not make you look slutty at all! what does is a belly button! believe me! Just have one I mean if boyfriend likes you that much he will be ok whit it as long as your happy!


Answer #7

yeah, I mean I don’t see it as “slutty” but there are ignorant people out there that think if you have that done then your a slut ya know

Answer #8

my sister has her tounge peirced. and I wouldnt say shes a slut, but… they can be they are only really pierced for one reason…

Answer #9

A lot of people say that you only get a tongue piercing to give better head but I don’t believe that I want mine done and I don’t plan on giving head ever in my life and whenever I see someone with one I don’t think they’re slutty unless they come off that way themselves. I saw one woman with it and I didn’t even notice she had it until she opened her mouth very wide and she worked in a sophisticated children’s store I didn’t think she was a slut.

Answer #10

No piercing is actually ‘’slutty’’… That completely depends on the persons perception of it.

Like the only time I’d call a tongue piercing slutty is if some one got it just for the purpose of giving better head… But thats the only reason I would…

Tongues don’t need a reason to get pierced. It’s all about personal preference.

If YOU like it, get it. And if your boyfriend really likes you he’ll accept it and love it, just because it’s a part of you.

Answer #11

They’re not slutty, they’re disgusting.

And they’re most common among bi/lesbian girls. Ew.

Answer #12

Deff not!! I have my tongue piered and no one has ever told me it looks slutty.

Answer #13

tounge peircings dont even give better head!!

Answer #14

I want one so bad but my boyfran thinks they’re slutty so ahhh

Answer #15

well, its what YOU like not him

Answer #16

depends on the person

Answer #17


Answer #18

No piercing makes you slutty. Piercings are forms of body art and self expression. They don’t have you any more or less attractive than you already are and have nothing to do with your sexual orientation or the kind of person you are. Your boyfriend needs to get his facts straight. He doesn’t own you. You don’t need HIS permission if you want a piercing. It’s your tongue, not his. So if you want it pierced it’s YOUR call, not his.

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