What would you do if today was your last day?

Answer #1

Spend it with my parents and pray

Answer #2

I would go out in the boat and stay on the lake until I stopped breathing :)

Answer #3

i would have sex with my boyfriend first, then i would spend as much time as i can with my family <3

Answer #4

Of course, spend it with the ones I love & change things that I could make right.

Answer #5

to live or at a school/country

Answer #6

Have some sex, because lets face it guys. Who wants to die a virgin? Pshft. Not this chick. Uh what else. I would tell everyone at my school how much I hate them all, smoke hella’ weed, eat whatever I want, ride rollar coasters, blow all my money on stupid stuff that would make my last day more enjoyable, and go to the beach.

Answer #7

Now that would be the best last day ever :)

Answer #8


Answer #9

write a long letter, hoping it will serve everyone as a reminder of me, and a goodbye. spend it with my family.. and hah go to all the girls i ever liked (too shy to talk to, atleast) and tell them that i liked them.. you know, hopefully get a kiss haha,, (that just shooting too far into the stars, but oh well) let out everything i ever wanted to let out and.. i would have someone film my day. from when I wake up till, the last moment.. maybe people will be inspired or so, and see what i wished to do with my last day.. donate every penny i have to charity and help people as much as i can, so i would feel no remorse and regret anything..

Answer #10

Right all my wrongs, pray, eat.. A lot.. Do all the things Ive always wanted to..

Answer #11

Tell my friends and family how much I love them, give my clothes & other items to homeless people, talk to God, and probably cry a bunch hahah.

Answer #12

Everything and everyone xD

Answer #13


Answer #14

go sky diving without a parachute and end my day quicker.

Answer #15

Tell everyone I love them, cry, and eat. o-o

Answer #16

Try to make my ‘wrongs’……right…..make sure those special ones know ‘I Love you” !

Answer #17

Honestly, nothing. smoke some weed. Slap my boss silly. Attempt to rob a bank and outrun cops for fun. Buy a super expensive car i cant afford and go top speed. Fly a plane. Fly a helicopter, skydive. Wrestle a bear, lion, and maybe a UFC Fighter. Say goodbye one last time and Sleep…

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