How come every time im walking down the street some homeless person picks me out of the crowd and ask me for money?

Answer #1

Perhaps you seem most approachable or like someone who has some money to spare. I’m not too sure, but it is nice to give to the needy.

Answer #2

it is nice to give but its not good to support there drinking habits.

Answer #3

How is your personality? Would you say you come out as intimidating? Even if you have the looks the personality may ruin it for you. It only takes a few seconds for a girl to access if you are her type or not by the way you portrait yourself.

Answer #4

wrong question and my personality is great thanks though.

Answer #5

I know.. I don’t quite agree with supporting drug or alcohol habits either. You do have to keep in mind that not all homeless people are drunks, though. For those who are, perhaps they’re trying to change themselves around? I like to think that there are some of those people out there.

Answer #6

it happens.once this homeless guy come and my frens and i bought food for him,drink too. he start to cuss sayin he aint want this,he want money.wonder wat he want the money for,hmmmm…

Answer #7

hmmmmmmm…ok then

Answer #8

yep booze and ciggys probablly

Answer #9

lol yep. now i hesitate….

Answer #10

ok let me refine my question . I see the same homeless guys Every day on my way to work yes they may want to help them self but not to get a job or even asking to work for food or any thing they have the same routine. They wake up in the morning and go to the soup kitchen then go to the park to panhandle ( beg) its a big thing in Hawaii homeless ness. Any how I was wondering why the same fools ask me day in and day out if i have some change to spare for food? I ask my self where are you going to get food for some change?

Answer #11

If you look like you might have money, they will ask you. I get asked on occasion and i never give cash to them, i instead give them gift cards for food places such as burger king, mc donalds, sonic, etc. The ones who are truly homeless and starving understand and always appreciate the gesture, the ones who want alcohol and dr.ugs get mad, but i was homeless once myself and begged for money to support a habit and i refuse to help them support theirs.

Answer #12

ihtz probably the stuff dat u b wearin thats wat i tink i culd b rong

Answer #13

I have been there also. Even though it may not seem like it by me asking this question. You can pretty much tell who wants help versus who wants a hand out especially when u see the same faces from day to day. I even spot them a little cash from time to time and they stop asking for a few weeks.

Answer #14

naah I thought it was that but its not I think they just know me and never told them off ( I would never do that ) because what happens to me if im in there boat ya never burn your bridge because you will never know when you will have to go cross it again some day.

Answer #15

they or he knws that your the only one thats willin to help.i really hope its for food or clothes or something. it most b difficult to get a education places a big part in gettin a job. really dont knw what to tell. do what u think is right.

Answer #16

Honestly If I had more money to spare would. Rent here is High. Besides I would and do give them food most times but I have seen them throw it away once i get around the corner. Most times I will gointo a store and buy some thing hot and fresh for them.

Answer #17

Just my opinion here…but I think maybe its just because of your ora…something about you that just might give someone the feeling like “hey, I may look like I am all that, but I am really a nice guy…” kinda thing especially if you look at them in the eyes…its as if your sending out a message like, “I know where you are coming from, what can i do to help?” kinda thing. Not sure if it’s such a bad thing or a good thing…but I think it’s great that you are actually worried enough about it to mention it & actually have a discussion about it. Shows that you are a caring person. :)

Answer #18

k you are right cant say thats not true (thanks).

Answer #19

instead of money id jus give them food

Answer #20


Answer #21

Wow i heard that same exact thing from a teacher haha

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