what is thrush caused by?

Answer #1

When my son had it the doctor said that it is caused by built up food or drink in the mouth thats just sitting there. We had to make him drink a small bit of water after each feeding. He also said it can be caused by someone with a yeast infection who forgot to wash their hands and someone how the infection got into his mouth.

Answer #2

ive heard about that, but my boyfriend seems to have it on his lower parts?

Answer #3

Ahh okay you should have mentioned this before. Its an infection caused by bad hygiene. It mean he was not pulling back his f*reskin and cleaning well enough daily and the bacteria build up caused an infection. Its usually swollen red and itchy. He needs antibiotics and a lesson in cleaning.

Answer #4

Lack of sleep and stress can also contribute to the multiplying of the yeast bacteria….the body uses sleep to repair itself….

Answer #5

its caused by a fungus that naturally occurs on the body. Not completely sure antibiotics will help since thrush is not caused by bacteria. Its best to just go to the doctor and get the proper medication for it.

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