What are your thoughts on Catholic & Christanity Religion?

Answer #1

What exactly are you asking in this question?

Answer #2

Duhh what are ur thoughts?

Answer #3

-_- No kidding..

Answer #4

Catholics are Christian, if you exclude the Catholics (which are the original Christians) then Christianity won’t be the largest religion in the world anymore. I don’t understand why you put them as separate religions.

Answer #5

Actually Catholics and Christians are’nt really the same thing. We belive in different things, but its all some what centered around the fact that God is here and we are to worship him.

Answer #6

*Facepalm let me ask you this, what does it mean to be a christian? well here it is, “is a person who adheres to Christianity, an Abrahamic, monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, who they believe is the Messiah (the Christ in Greek-derived terminology) prophesied in the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible, and the Son of God.”quoted (from google define) so in laymen terms to be a catholic you have to be a christian but to be a christian you don’t have to be catholic.

Answer #7

No single Christian denomination believes in exactly the same things. But Catholics ARE Christians. Go read about it and ask catholics to explain their beliefs to you, because it seems you don’t even understand your own faith.

Answer #8

I believe in god, christain and catholic is a concept of a process, but god is real from the heart

Answer #9

I go with Irene.

Answer #10

My thoughts is that they are both crap, even if you say they are the same or not.

Answer #11

my thoughts are i dont beleive in them or respect the beleifs. i respect the fact that people have the right to choose to beleive in whatever religion they like, but i am strongly against chrsitianity in particular, and dont respect them because as an athiest, majority of them dont respect my beleifs either. so without respoect they’ll get none in return

Answer #12

with all due respect Why would I respect yours?

Answer #13

me and Irene were saying the same thing so by default you are favouring both of us.

Answer #14

irene is right

Answer #15

they are seperate religious denominations and christianity is the original lol,

Answer #16

my belief is that the following of christ has all been stolen from other sources- pieces from egyptian religion, pieces from sumerian religion, pieces from roman and greek religion, pieces from judaism, etc. etc. none of the beliefs are original , but they are promoted as ‘the one truth’ when there are so many versions of ‘the truth’ that the idea behind it becomes lost in the shuffle. this religion was spawned by a ‘cult leader’ and a criminal and made it to the mainstream, to the condemnation of all other beliefs that disagree with their religion. to those outside of the belief it represents greed and a play for power and to suppress the masses with the shackles of christ. both of those religions seek to cover up the crimes that their followers and priests are involved in instead of submit to the laws of mankind and create more of a black mark against their religions. the following of christ represents a high level of corruption as well. to me the following of christ is both good and evil, the one creates the other and the following of christ is a sham willfully perpetrated on a spiritually starving mass of people. as long as your $$$$$ is good you will be saved. if they keep their beliefs to themselves i can tolerate them, when they go on a ‘save the world’ crusade they can take a long walk off a short dock for all i care. i have run across too many ‘sexually naughty priests’ in my time who either choose to corrupt the minds of the young emotionally or physically. the following of christ serves the personal whims and desires of the people at the top, and preys on those on the bottom. but it is a free country so people can choose to believe anything they want- santa claus, god, lucky the leprechaun, the tooth fairy, the easter bunny- etc. etc. they are all fictional characters .

Answer #17

LR….. I am sorry. My English is not that good. I am confused reading yours…:-(

Answer #18

Hmm well, I have Staurophobia (Fear of crosses or the crucifix), Ecclesiophobia- (fear of church) and Papaphobia (fear of the Pope) so it’s safe to say I am not one :P. I just don’t like the way the Bible bashes homosexuals so much. Some even take it to the extent of programmng their child with hate concepts that they don’t even understand. And how m^rder is a sin but ‘thou shalt not suffer a witch to live’.

I’m not applying this to all Christians. Just those that do them ¬¬

Answer #19

Wow… I’m to lazy to even read all of that.

Answer #20

If you read the bible you will see just how many times the bible talks about the LOVE of God and how he will forgive your sins. I don’t see the bible as “bashing homosexuals” at all. Its true God does’nt like it, but he forgives and forgets. Where does the bible say “ thou shalt not suffer a witch to live”?

Answer #21

I believe that there are people in the catholic church who are truly seeking to follow God but i also beleive that The Catholic church system is not the true church of God. For years it persecuted people including the true Bible following Cristians and the Bible predicts that before Christ returns they will persecute God’s true ppl once again. I do not trust the catholic church because they do not have the Word of God as their one and only true foundation and they also teach too many things that are opposing the Bible.

Answer #22

Ur the one that asked…so yea

Answer #23

CHRISTIANS are people who follow Christ Jesus, who pray and have accepted him into their heart, who are NOT PERFECT in anyway and believe that they are nothing without GOD!! They forgive those who have wronged them and even though it is painful the give their other cheek and open their doors to their enemies if they need help!

They are people who understand that THIS WORLD will pass away and that even though the whole world hates them and casts them out; the only thing that matters is WHAT GOD thinks of them and if they have done what he has asked them to do…

You decided for yourself..and remember GOD does not see if you are a CATHOLIC or METHODIST or JEW….he sees your heart and whether you love him with all of it or just a fraction!

Take care and God bless

Answer #24

Exodus 22:18 - “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live”.

And Leviticus 18:22 “‘Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman.”

No one should be ‘forgiven’ for being gay. No loving God would ever consider someone’s sexuality to be a sin. And if he made everything then he would have made homosexuality.

And I was forced to be brought up as a Christian and I have been forced to read a lot of the Bible and after reading all of that, I’m scared even to touch one.

Answer #25

see im angostic, and i didnt even bother reading the person thing comment… to long and not worth it hahaha anyways religian is only based on ppl wanting to believe in something because they can’t just accept that why are just creatures, live, breed n die, simple just ppl make it complex so they can “Feel” better and have there so call purpose in living….

Answer #26

lol me too. write less if you want people to care about what you hate!

Answer #27

It’s like the Power Rangers: They started with one (Christianity), then there were all different kinds, like the Dino-Rangers, and the Samurai (Catholicism, Protestants, ect.), I hope that that was simple enough for anyone who actually cares :)

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