Those jewels you put on your phone

What are those jewel thngs called that you put ob your phone and ipod???

Answer #1

phone jewles maybe. I’ve heard them called phone bling

Answer #2

yea, they were swarvoski. I remember. like bc paris hilton uses them they jacked up the prices really high

Answer #3

the ones you say were %300 could havebeen swarvoski ones… of if not I have no idea why theyd make them that much of a rip-off

Answer #4

really cause I just looked on line and 4 a side kick they wer like $300! im going to the dollar store than! lol

Answer #5

ya come to think of it I have seen them at doller giant very cheap only a doller lol

Answer #6

yeah…im not sure of there name but are you talking about the ones that look like…diamonds I guess sparkly with a flat side to stick on to something and there small and round you can get them for cheap at a dollar stor or buy them from a craft store in different colours and stick them on yourself

Answer #7

Maybe that one was a collectors item or a rare gem or something

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