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How can I focus more on his personality?
my new boyfriend used to be my best friend. I’ve known him since middle school. he was skinny then, but he told me that he gained some weight (I havent met him yet). But he is such an amazing guy and I dont want to judge him by how he looks, but his personality. I’ve never dated a bigger guy before. so how can I just see his personalyity and not his looks? I mean, when I see him for the first time, I dont want to break up with him just by his loks. how can I overcome this?
well when he says he might have gained weight it doesnt mean hes fat he could have just not be so sticky and thin like he could have bulked up and got hench:L he might not have like a six pack but he could do I say just get him to send you a pic? or when you meet him you can decide. like somone said up there looks are what turns you on, how will you be turnt on if your not sexually aattracted to him.but then agan relationships aren’t all about the sexual side if oyu like being with him then I say go for it. there isnt really a way you can overcome it youll have to wait and see
uhm well if you like him looks shouldnt matter. I mean you like him because hes him. yes,time DOES change things, but see him and if you dont like him do the usual ‘im sorry it isnt you its me’ thing. just try it never judge a book by its cover (;
In my opinion, and im a guy, I think looks are a very important role in a relationship. just think if you are with this guy and he doesnt turn you on at all, how will you explain that to him when the sexual pleasures arrive? But you asked for help how to overcome, I say get to know him close and just listen to your heart, not your friends.
If you haven’t seen him yet, maybe it isn’t as bad as you fear. Some guys are just as sensitve as girls about their weight. I could mean only a few pounds. Try not to get to woked up about it. But if it is a lot of weight and him being overweight really does bother you, and you want to be with him. Subtly suggest exersizing. Ask him if he wants to try to skateboard. Guys usually like a girl that isn’t afraid to get dirty. If skateboarding isn’t your thing try swimming or biking or any other outdoor activity. If you live in a colder climate with snow do snowball fights or sledding. It will be a great way to get exersize and have fun with him kinda like a date. Hope everything works out for you ;)
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