When did you start your period?

when did you start your period?

Answer #1

I was 15

Answer #2

I was like almost 12 I think…wow..if your 18 you should have had a doc evalulate you a long time ago…

Answer #3

This could be normal, but there could be something wrong. You should talk to your doctor as soon as possible or call and set up an appointment with the Gynecologist. There’s most likely nothing wrong, but it’s better to be safe then sorry.

Answer #4

I was 9

Answer #5

When I was ten or eleven. Is there a reason why you’re asking this question so I can try to help you in any way?

Answer #6

yah cuase I’m 18 and I haven’t started yet.

Answer #7

You should see the doctor so he can evaluate you to make sure everything is alright…

Answer #8

when I was 11…it was weird though…it just happened and I got so angry=/ lol

Answer #9

I was 11 and a half

Answer #10
  1. but go to a doctor… you need to be checked.
Answer #11

I started my period when I was 11 turning 12. What a disaster that was. I didn’t even tell my mother. How embarassing! I’ll never forget that.

Answer #12


I started when I was 12…

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