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The world its ending what whould you do?
what would you do if you knew the world was gonna end tomorow?
Get my girlfriend and climb on top of a big house and watch everybody lose their minds.
no school,no work<<<no point urrr do the craziest things ever,spend immense time with the family then ring other relatives to sAY GOODBYE ,be with ma rabbits and cat then be with horses for several hours<<of course especially ma horses curly and francis then bring them back to ma home then me and my family and the pets will die together … there we go ^.^ x (if anyone needs advice on dreams be sure to go tp my profile and ask cheers)
Stop all of the stress in my life and wait for a bunch of religious groups to freak out.
cry cry and cry some more…no jk…I would probably eat my heart with wacky foods and do the weirdest things like go to a crouded store and start dancing on bubble wrap ( kinda like mr magorium’s movie)…I would aslo give a hobo that lives on the street 100$ lol…
Sit and watch the insanity about to ensue?
I would return some videotapes.
be upset lol spend every second doing whatever I wanted while spending the day with my family, friends + everything I love,
Go and search for the idiot who spread the rumor and beat him/her senseless.
I would spend the rest of the time with my family. and charish every minute we have left together.
have a massive party, destroy everything, see all my friends I dunno really just not care about anything anymore
be pretty Pissed
buy popcorn and enjoy the show xp
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