where does the colour blue come from?

where does the colour blue come from?

Answer #1

bottle the ocean. it looks clear.

imprision the sky. air disappears.

blue is a made-up pigment. a figment of our imagination. a fabricated. hallucination. not fire. nor air. not dirt. I searched. the plants. and water. Homeric poetry. it’s not anywhere. just the hollow bodies. of mass sandwiching us. a mellow glare. trans- lucent. see-through. clear.

the ocean’s depths. dirty charcoal. yucatan peninsula water falls. o’er my own genuine blue eyes as the myan ruins reveal my lie. forgetting this blue collar mess with ripped terminology. denim turned to jeans post war. 1950s. blue is not real. (eye) see right through (them) in water’s reflection. pinch me. so I may know that i’m here. not empty.

(c)2008 brianprince

Answer #2

As all Colors are seen they all come from the same thing…light is being refracted through carbon dioxide and air also other chemicals in the atmosphere and to the human eye it reveals a color it is in the visible light spectrum range…other things such as microwaves and gamma rays x-rays etc. cannot be seen

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