Can I text from the Philippines to America?

Answer #1

You can :) the rate will be more expensive though. A cheaper way would be to use

Answer #2

what’dya mean…how can i use a site for my cell? lol

Answer #3


Answer #4

You can but its going to be super expensive my friend moved to Canada so she had a Canadian number and it cost me 10-15 cents a text message so a cheaper alternative is to see if your company offers “long distance” texting plans.

Answer #5

u cn bt the cost will b high bt that too depends on ur carrier :)

Answer #6

u can…..but the service charges will be applyed…….

Answer #7

u can also use a site called its free and the easy wayto send sms……

Answer #8

u can also use a site called its free and the easy wayto send sms……

Answer #9

Your family and friends from the states can register for an account so they send messages from their email to your cell phone. You will then be charged 2 or 3 pesos per sms if you want to reply but it’s definitely cheaper. :) that’s how my sister sent her messages to me from europe.

thanks for the points and the like btw!

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