What does procreation mean to you?

For everyone’s knoledge, what does procreation mean to you? This would be considered a religious question since in my religion, we have procreation as sacred intimacy after marriage so that people who are married can start families. My LDS Branch President tells quite a bit on procreation and its part of being chast which is our standards of the Law of Chastity. Which I’m trying to say that premarital sex is a sin and, my Branch President is saying “Allot of men like to procreate” And, this is a god feeling. So, for all of you, what would be your interpetation of procreation?

Answer #1

Isnt procreation = reproduction? I dont think sex is only about reproduction… I think it is also about intimacy and love and sometimes just physical pleasure… and if people want to have sex, as long as they’re responsible, I dont see an issue with it… Why judge what other people are doing? As for the religious aspect, to each his own. If you think it’s a sin, then dont do it…

Answer #2

I think people have different opinions on the whole thing. Me, I’m not religous or anything, but I think that before people start partaking in sexual activities or procreating, they should be in love and committed (which is why I’ve never done anything). Married? I don’t know. Personally, I’d rather be married before I started having kids, but in todays world, there’s young kids having kids. I also think that it’s a person’s choice whether or not they want to procreate. I don’t think it’s a sin when people engage in that type of activity before marriage, but hey, that’s just me.

Answer #3

Sex isnt about only making babies. If god intended us to use sex only as a means to reproduce then he would have made it so we dont get any enjoyment out of it. Sex before marriage… well there are varying views on it. Did Adam and Eve get married..? Marriage is a societal construct. Even Jesus himself said there was no marriage in heaven… but thats really besides the point.

Sex is a way to bond with your mate, it should be fun, it should feel good. If you dont enjoy it, how are you going to do it long enough to have children? After all you dont get pregnant the first time you have a kid. Otherwise a lot of women would be pregnant a lot lol.

Anyone that tells you sex is just for procreation doesnt really know what they speak of.

Answer #4

To me, God designed this as the highest fullfillment in a relationship. The bible speak of the sex act, as to know… ones mate, in the KJV, anyway, not sure what the others say. However, he put a high value on purity and devotion to ones partner.

He did this for our own good, not to gain some kind of power trip over us. He had our best interests in mind, as the basis for this.

There is great gain, in having one partner for life.

Answer #5

Webster’s defines procreate as “to beget or bring forth offspring : reproduce” There it is in a nutshell…

And ty is correct…sex is NOT only about reproduction.

Answer #6

procreation: to make babies, to reproduce.

Answer #7

— After all you dont get pregnant the first time you have a kid. —

Sorry, kitsune913, but the first time a woman has a kid she DID get pregnant :-) J-K, You must admit it is funny.

Procreation is producing a child, Sex is being married – biblically speaking - but that is another subject

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