Why do many teens feel it is not cool to use protection when tanning?

When you use the right product you will tan at the same level and will not experience any burning, pain or peeling. Why do you feel is important to show off to other people that you are burn and peeling?

Answer #1

because it feels nice

Answer #2

Because we like to be ‘rebellious’, even to the point of this.

Answer #3

I always use sunscreen, I’m afraid of getting wrinkles :)

Answer #4

I can see that. It’s like a way for teens to say we are not little kids any more. It is sad. By the time these teens become adults and get common sense and learn about skin cancer the damage to the skin DNA has already taken place and will show up as melanoma later in life.

Answer #5

Well I asked both my daughters y they don’t like it and they said it has a smothering feeling like thr skin isn’t breathin

Answer #6

I never like to tan! I always use alot of sunscreen..

Answer #7

Good for you! A tan is actually a sign of injury to the skin. In an effort to protect itself from further damage, the skin cells produce melanin to darken the skin.

Answer #8

Oh wow! I knew it was injury kinda thing but I didn’t know that! Haha I literally hate tanning!

Answer #9

I think it is a matter of habit and maybe because young people think that their skin is still strong enough for the sun shine

Answer #10

I think its becuase they think they can get darker faster without protecting themselves. They are in a hurry to get tan, like they are usually in a hurry to do everything else lol. Not all but majority wanna grow up fast

Answer #11

Also to show their parents that they are not little kids anymore. It will be embarrasing to a 14 year old girl if she is at the pool or beach with her peers and mom comes rushing with the Sun tan lotion SPF 100 after the mother used it on all the other little kids.

Answer #12

Yea that too lol. Better to just give it to them and tell them to do it themselves.. Have their own bottle

Answer #13

well, i was never like that, although i dont burn, i came to understand that ill get age spots when older, show them pics of skin cancer and sun spots on ppls skin… its rather nasty.

Answer #14

I never knew teens thought it was cool to not use protection while tanning.

Answer #15

Well I dont do it, i love using sunscreen and whatnot aha because i love the smell and cancer runs in my family so..

Answer #16

I don’t really think that’s the case. Most of us don’t wear sunscreen because we either don’t get burned easily, or we just really want to get a nice tan (regardless if there are products that will supposedly allow us to “tan at the same level”). Another reason could be that we’re just lazy haha… but not wearing it because we think it’s uncool? That just sounds kinda ridiculous.

Answer #17

They don’t think that. It is more of a missinformation problem and lack of experience on proper sun exposure and protection.

Answer #18

The worst thing you can do, I got skin cancer moles removed at 21 check out my blog to read my story http://funadvice.com/r/15u7dj6romv

Answer #19

The worst thing you can do, I got skin cancer moles removed at 21 check out my blog to read my story http://funadvice.com/r/15u7dj6romv

Answer #20

I can understand that lol

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