Why are teenage girls so sensitive?

Answer #1

Because of hormones and sometimes because of our period

Answer #2

One, because as a teenager hormones are going crazy and its normal to be more sensative or have more mood swings. Also, girls in general are taught and conditioned at a young age that showing and feeling your emotions is okay, while boys are taught they should be tough and not show theirs. When i was teen though, i saw more boys cry than i do adults….hormones at that age are a b!tch.

Answer #3

hormones, pressure from everything, stress, and self confidence is basically the reasons y

Answer #4

Weren’t you a teenage girl at one point?

Answer #5

The brain is still undergoing construction, add that to hormonal changes, changes in expectations from others, a bunch of other stressors and pressures, and a still developing arsenal of coping tools, you’re bound to get a little sensitivity

Answer #6

Ok im 14 and im just starting to go through puberty. And let me tell you that this is the most stressful it has ever been for me. Some nights i go to bed crying or freak over small things. Mostly around my period. My friends also are like this. Girls have way way way more drama then the boys. They will have crap with parents, friends, teachers, boys etc. Plus school stress. WE are just finding out who we are and its very hard to deal with. WE fight alot

Answer #7

I have 15 year year old at home, so i know what you are talking about.

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