tears in my eyes but I dont no why

what do you think I should do I cry really easily one time I cryed on a job interview sum times I cry when people yell at me do you think I need help

Answer #1

no I’m like that too

Answer #2

no.. I am too sometimes..we’re just emotional at times///

Answer #3

Awww, it’s like xx_the_a7x_parade_xx said… you don’t need help, your just a sensitive person! There’s nothing wrong with that. I’m pretty sensitive myself… so you aren’t the only one like that. hugs

Answer #4

ok here’s what I do that usually helps me best, when I start to get teary, I think about being strong for a fave celebrity like channing tatum. Then I would think what would he think if I started to cry in front of him. Sometimes, you cry or get teary because your angry, just take deep breaths and know that there’s two sides to the issue. hopefully that’ll help you.

Answer #5

aw, no I dont think you need help, some people are just more emotional than others… now if you take things more personally and this affects your self esteem then it might be a problem and you might want to work on that… but some people are just more sensitive to criticism…

Answer #6

You don’t have any issues, you just seem like a very sensitive person. There are a lot of people like that so don’t ever feel alone! If you feel like crying about something you don’t feel you should cry over, just stay strong. Walk away from whoever/whatever is upsetting you. Take some deep breaths and cool down for awhile. Listen to your favorite music or draw.

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