Why do some teachers punish everyone for one or a few people's ignorance?

Say someone was to laugh and throw paper balls back and fourth to someone else. Then, the teacher says that’s it we’re done everyone can take an F.

Answer #1

To make the trouble maker feel really bad for what he did.. whether it may or may not work, generally if the teacher punishes solely the troublemaker, they feel no remorse and laugh it off like they don’t care.. if the teacher punishes everyone, they get mad at the troublemaker= better punishment. However it’s not fair since no one else did anything :/

Answer #2

They do that to teach you that you are living in a society and everything you do affects many other people too. And also, this way, the rest of you will stop those kids or any other kids from doing something wrong again, because you don’t want to be punished for their bad behaviour again.

Answer #3

I don’t care about the person causing the trouble, I mean why can’t they just send the person out or give them detention is all I’m asking. I never liked teacher who give the whole class detention or a punishment it just frustrates me enough to think about…nvm

Answer #4

I don’t care about teaching them that their actions affect other people, it ruins my grade and that’s perament I don’t have time for these life lessons. Life lessons are classes you take on your own time not during my learning time.

Answer #5

Because kids can sue you if you just kick them out and they have too many rights. Teachers aren’t allowed to kick out just one kid for bad behaviour, because it is seen as discrimination and they could lose their job or get sued. Punishing every body else is the next best option.

Answer #6

I can’t specifically answer about this incident because I was not there. However, I can say that it is impossible for the teacher to have eyes everywhere at all times. Believe it or not, teachers are not capable of pinpointing all unruly behavior. When unfavorable behavior is impossible to pinpoint yet needs to be stopped, most often teachers penalize the entire group. Sometimes thats the only thing they are able to do. It may not be fair, but its better to discipline the whole class than to have an unruly group of students that will be unproductive. I can’t say that I agree with punishing the students with bad grades, but then again I’m not in your teacher’s shoes.

Answer #7

Make the person feel bad for what they did. I wouldn’t do something that would get everyone into trouble.

Answer #8

Well tell that to your teachers not to me, i just tried to explain to you their reasons

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