Talking about fingering

Please help…at the weekend my boyfriend fingured me for the first time it didnt go wrong but I could have been better. I want to do it again and I think he does but how do I talk to him about it? … answers from guys and girls would be great thank you

Answer #1

Once you take that first step, I don’t think talking to him about it is even necessary, becuase chances are, it’s going to happen again naturally. He was probably just as excited about the experience as you were, if not more, and it’s not going to take him long to find his way back down there.

Don’t worry about things not going perfectly the first time. No one is born with the knowledge of how to please another person sexually, and it’s going to take a little practice to get things to go right. Some people are in their 40s and still trying to get the hang of it.

Answer #2

Mention what you guys id,and tell him you really enjoyed it.Tell him your interested,and ask if he’d ever do it again :]

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