talk about what???

what are things you can talk about with your boyfriend on a date???

Answer #1

well I’m 17 (almost 18) so I don’t know if your older or youger than me. I’m guessing younger or else you shouldnt be asking this question.. but anyway, just get to know him.. make him feel as thought your really interested in him w/o being a wierdo.. for example ask him where he went to school (for our age group you may want to ask what elementary school.. after he answers don’t ask him which row he sat in.. lol.. thats just wierd. also if you guys have been going out for a while its alrite to talk about sexual stuff.. depending on the atmosphere of the date.. sometimes its inapropriate but if yur just chillin at his place.. yeah talk about sex. guys love that. for example… what gets you the most turned on. but mainly just be you hun.. if he’s your boyfriend then hopefully he likes you & he’s interested in hearing about your day or tell a cute funny story even if he doesnt think its funny heshould think its adorable how you THOUGHT it was funny. hope I helped =]

Answer #2

*he should think its adorable

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