Summer Jobs


Me and My friends have been looking around for summer jobs, to bring in some money while we are on school holidays. Have you any suggestions.?!

Many thanks x

Answer #1

Well, that is a hard one you are only 15! You can try fast food, or a juice or coffe shop! Try being a hostess or a busser for a fancy restaurant! My first job was a hostess for Red Lobster! The waiters had to share their tips with me, sometimes I even made $100 a nite! its not a bad idea!

Answer #2

retail jobs? theyre always looking for people because a lot of shops hire students and they usually go back to their own home towns during the summer.

or internships depending on if you are university or not.

Answer #3

publix,kroger,mcdonalds,chick-fil-a, try,or

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