
The other day I was at a horse show and didn’t realise I was burning I had no time to apply suncream and when I got home the burning is terrible. My back and shoulders are red raw and sting so much! If thats not bad enough I’m starting to peel I’ve been moisturising so much so help pleasee!


Answer #1

this may sound weird but.. get a bowl of vinager and a wash cloth. soak te washcloth in the vinager,,, then ring it out.. make sure the cloth is still wet tho. then lay down with the cloth on your sunburn. it takes the sting away. also if the smell of vinager bothers u, use aloe vera.

Answer #2

If you’re starting to peel, then it’s too late to try and counteract the burn.

The dead, damaged skin will peel off and all you can do is keep applying the moisturizer. I do recommend, however, that you don’t peel it - let it shed naturally.

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