Are super skinny girls gross or hot?

Are super skinny girls gross or hot? What’s a good body type? Of course skinny is pretty..I just wish I was.

Answer #1

I am not trying to be full of myself but I concider myself pretty, and I have huge boobs, I’m bigger but not overly over weight, and I have, what I think, is a VERY large bum, and very thick legs, and sometimes I wish I was something I’m Not, but I’m pretty happy with myself, I don’t think weight is someone thing someone should be asshamed of, it has absolutly nothing to do with who they are L=

Answer #2

I think it’s gross unless you’re an athlete.

Answer #3

skinny girls arnt pretty,, anybody can be pretty not just people with low self esteem like poeple who starve themselves the fact that people think you need to be skinny to be beatuiful sickens me kids nowdays need to start accepting there body nowdays almost everyones veiw of body image is horrible you dont need to be skinny to be beautiful in fact, many guys out there hate girls who are too skinny …a lot of people dont want to know people who spend all there time worrying about there weight and what they eat

Answer #4

I really don’t find girls who are to skinny attractive , but this is one person talking everyone has they’re opinions. skinny isn’t bad, just not so skinny that you can see ribs.

Answer #5

Skinny isnt ugly but nether is fat im thick but I think u look the way you were supposed to be made if you want to be skinny excersize if you want to be fat eat and gain weight or if you want to be thick excersize but eat healthy and fat somtimes..

Answer #6

I don’t see how someone’s weight could make them gross unless its to the extreme. Its all about being healthy and that’s all that matters in my opinion.

Answer #7

Um super skinny girls can be hot but REALLY skinny girls that are just VERY bony arent…And I want to be skinny too:( lol we shuld make a club haha just kidding… But yeahh skinny girls are ok I guess but not too skinny… ♥♥♥ CICI™ Hope I helped:)

Answer #8

Curvy is always better then skinny b proud of your body and b confident in urself who cares if your not skinny! Super skinny girls look gross you shudd b happy with urself :)

Answer #9

Do you know what’s ‘hot’? It’s not being too skinny or being massively overweight! It’s being healthy and having confidence without being egotistic.

Answer #10

I think slim with a good bum and boobs is good. but every guy is different.

Answer #11

skinny is okay. but not super skinny. thats just gross!

Answer #12

skinny isnt hot, you should be proud of the way you look

Answer #13

Super skinny girls look like a bag of bones. Have some confidence :}

Answer #14

I think a curvy athletic bod is good on a girl because they have corves but also are slim to go with it!! :D

Answer #15

Healthy is always better

Answer #16

first off you should b proud of the way you look..I hava body and evrything and even got voted the best body last year..but I still look in the mirror and think there’z something wrong with me I wish I was super skinny..the point is that if your like me no matter what people say your gna think bad of urself..and another thing..ther’z no such thing as an ugly me your pretty..I can say that without looking at you because when I look in the mirror I always think I look horrible..but people always tellme how pretty I am..they nevr ust to before so if you don’t get complimentz now don’t wry bout it..u’ll get them soon..when you least expect them..some guyz like skinny girls..some guyz like chunky girls lol..just try being more confident trust me..confidence is the key to being sexiii trust me I know..hope this helpd!!!

Answer #17

omfg, im super offended by all these comments, I’m super skinny and I look gross and I HATE the way I look and I dont think its my fault, I guess I have a high metabolism or whatever but I F* hate it! andyway Be confident with yourself because you would HATE to be me :’((

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