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Spray on muscles? Like it makes you look like you have muscles? I’ve never heard of that before…
Its just spray on makeup, finding a waterproof one works better and it last longer. I believe both covergirl and maybeline sell it and its not terribly expensivee.
oohhh ok, i was confused by her question
What are the stuff people use to cover up tattoos? - 3 Answers
Is it like make up? Where can I get some? Im supposed to cover up my tattoos for christmas for my mom
Do people care if you get bed hair? - 2 Answers
does people care if you get bed hair? I mean you get it! it doesnt mean that you cant brush it out! it not like brush are fak...
How can I do my hair extensions since I can't use sprays and stuff? - 1 Answers
Okaye so I have 100%human hair extensions and it's a weave and I can only wash it once a week (I know , I thought it was kiin...
How can you look tan or get tan without tanners or sprays? - 2 Answers
I get tan easily but it just turned spring weather and I need easy ways to look tan without fake sprays or tanners. And I try...
why do people get pimples and some dont? - 3 Answers
why is it that I get sooo much pimples but some people dont..eventhough I keep my face as clean as possible..hair out of my f...
Do people with freckles get acne? - 3 Answers
is it true that with freckles you wont get acne?
Special brand of brush, pomade should I use to get waves? - 2 Answers
What special brand of brush, pomaide, moisturizers, and stuu should I use 2 get waves
what can I use for an eye base - 1 Answers
soo I ran out of base. could I use stuff like maybe vaselin,or cream eyeshadow? any suggestions on what to use untill I can g...
Where can I get clothes like selena gomez's clothes and hair stuff? - 4 Answers
I would like to know what hair products selena gomez uses and where she gets them and same for the trendy outfits she wears o...
can you only use that sun-in hair lightner stuff in blonde hair? - 3 Answers
can you only use that sun-in hair lightner stuff in blonde hair? or can you use it in brown hair too?
Q. Hair Spray
Health & Beauty, Hair Care, Natural Remedies
The Wellness People
Beauty & Wellness, Hair Removal, Skincare
MicroArt Semi Permanent Makeup
Beauty, Cosmetics, Permanent Makeup
Beauty & Personal Care, Health & Wellness, E-commerce
AR Makeup Studio And Salon
Makeup artist in Dhayari, bridal makeup artist in Dhayari, bridal makeup in Dhayari