Does your hair grow longer if you don't straighten it?

Answer #1

i dont thinks so but if it did i would start straightning mine

Answer #2

Noooo. It may look longer because it’s straight but it actually discourages it from growing because the heat damages it.

Answer #3

I started straightening mine and it seems to grow faster now

Answer #4

Okay. Thanks

Answer #5

Heat damages, so i would think your hair wold grow longer without straightening it

Answer #6

Your hair doesn’t grow longer faster if you don’t straighten it, but it simply makes your hair healthier. Try to avoid adding heat to your hair to help avpid split ends and healthy-looking hair, and im sure the healthier it is, the more likely it is to grow..

Answer #7

Nope, It Just Keeps It From Being Damaged(=

Answer #8

Nope, It Just Keeps It From Being Damaged(=

Answer #9

It will help with breakage, meaning it will be longer.

Answer #10

it depends on your hair type really..if you have long thick hair then straightning it wount affect it much, if its dry/thin then straightning it will damage it so it wount grow very much

Answer #11

out of all honesty, my hair grows fast, i cut it in feb to my chin and already it’s past my shoulders, by summer it will be touching my shoulder blades. i dont do a thing to my hair cept throw it up in a pony tail while im cleaning, and washing it of course, thats it’.

Answer #12

it doesnt grow longer, you just retain more hair so it seems as if its growing longer or faster.

Answer #13

it doesnt grow longer, you just retain more hair so it seems as if its growing longer or faster.

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